Melbourne & Sydney
Call 1300 217 858
Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne

Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne - Why Choose us ?

Dr Paulo Pinho
  • Dr Pinho is a registered Australian dental surgeon
  • Dr Pinho is a member of the Australian Dental Association
  • Over 20,000 Wisdom Teeth Removed in the past 15 years
  • Impeccable Safety Record
  • Local & General Anaesthesia
  • Dental Sedation
  • No Hidden Costs

Wisdom Teeth Removed – Why it's a Choice

Many people find it necessary to have their wisdom teeth removed. Wisdom teeth, which are also called third molars, come through the gums in the late teens or twenties. They are typically fairly good sized and can push their way through moving everything in the way aside, including other teeth. This can cause a number of problems including damaged gums and infection. If an abscess occurs more serious issues could arise such as infection to the tooth, jaw and bone. This could become very serious if left untreated and cause hospitalization.

Other reasons that a person might have to have their wisdom teeth removed are cosmetic reasons. When the wisdom teeth push their way through the gums they can move all of the teeth. This can result in crooked teeth and crowded teeth in the front. For this reason some people choose to have the wisdom teeth removed. By visiting a dental professional you may be able through dental x-rays to see where the tooth is headed and stop major problems before they begin. Deciding to have the teeth extracted sooner rather than later can save a great deal of pain and money and keep you out of danger.

For those individuals who need to have wisdom teeth removed the potential cost might be of concern. There are a number of excellent options available if you are in need of having teeth removed. You can find these options at dental professionals in Melbourne and Australia. They will be able to help you find the right price for excellent professional work. Choosing the correct dentist is the key to making the experience work for patients. You will find professionals that you can trust at a price that you can budget. Talking with a professional could be the beginning to solving your dental pain and suffering.

There are professionals in Melbourne that can help you in having your wisdom teeth removed that are available to answer your questions seven days a week. There are a number of options for financing and finances should in no way hold you back from getting the dental work you need. Without the dental work you may find that your problems evolve into something completely out of your control and cost you more financially and physically than you bargained for. Dental complications can lead to greater problems than you might expect and an infection could put you in the hospital before you realize it.

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