Melbourne & Sydney
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne

Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne - Why Choose us ?

Dr Paulo Pinho
  • Dr Pinho is a registered Australian dental surgeon
  • Dr Pinho is a member of the Australian Dental Association
  • Over 20,000 Wisdom Teeth Removed in the past 15 years
  • Impeccable Safety Record
  • Local & General Anaesthesia
  • Dental Sedation
  • No Hidden Costs

Dental Emergency Tooth Extraction

Open 7 Days

24 hour dentist call service

Dental Emergency

Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Teeth Removal Melbourne

Wisdom Dental Emergency is open Saturdays and Sundays

Call the 24 hour dentist  call service to book 

Our aim on Saturdays and Sundays is to help patients with Tooth Ache with no hidden costs

We have established an affordable late hours and WEEKEND SET FEE ($250) system to solve your Dental Emergency efficiently and professionally

The late hours and WEEKEND SET FEE ($250) was established to avoid the usual hidden costs and the unpleasant account surprises at the end of weekend dental treatments 

At Wisdom Dental Emergency you know how much you pay to solve your late hours and Weekend Dental Emergency before your treatment start

WEEKEND SET FEE ($250) includes: 

  1. Dental Check up and Diagnostic
  2. State of the art digital OPG X RAY if required
  3. Tooth Ache Relief
    Open and drain
    emporary filling
    Dry Socket Treatment
  4. Drainage of an abscess if required
  5. Discussion of Permanent Treatment Options
  6. Prescription of medication as required
  7. Referral to a Specialist if required
  8. Wisdom Dental Emergency has formed a partnership with Emergency Dentist Australia to help you with all weekend dental emergencies. The link to their website is

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Toothache is the main reason why people go to a Emergency Dentist
or look for an After Hours Dentist

Any injury to teeth or gums can be very serious and should never be ignored and should be considered a Dental Emergency. A Toothache or Tooth Pain is a Dental Emergency and can damage the nerve or the blood vessels. There is also a risk of developing a tooth abscess or tooth infection which could be life threatening. If you ignore tooth pain or toothache you are taking a chance. You should not delay getting dental treatment and resolution of a tooth infection and a tooth abscess. Delays in treatment can be dangerous to your health.

When to call?

If you are not sure if your problem is a dental emergency, this is our professional advice: If you have strong toothache or tooth pain, It's a dental emergency! This is because even injuries that seem small or superficial can affect the living tissues inside the teeth. A tooth infection or tooth abscess must be address immediately with open and drainage or tooth extraction.

What you can do?

There is no way of treating a fractured tooth at home. Antibiotics are a very short term solution and DO NOT solve the problem.

You will need to see your dentist whenever a tooth is sensitive to changes in temperature, or if it hurts while you are eating. Constant toothache is a serious indication that nerve damage has occurred.

Once the nerve is damaged you will need a root canal or tooth extraction.

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Root Canal Treatment and Open and Drain

Removing the pulp or nerve is called Endodontic Treatment, but it is often referred to as Root Canal Treatment or Root Canal Therapy. Open and Drain is referred as the first phase of Root Canal Treatment and is very often needed for the relief or treatment of a Tooth Ache.

This treatment is needed for several reasons:

  • Tooth Infection
  • Tooth abscess
  • Irreversible damage to the pulp

Tooth infection not always respond well to antibiotic treatment and its prescription is not a permanent solution to solve the problem. The inflammation caused by the tooth infection restrict the blood supply, so that antibiotics in the blood stream cannot reach the tooth infection very well. The reduced blood supply also reduces the pulp's ability to heal.

In some cases, the damage caused by a tooth abscess will require the tooth extraction immediately. If this is the case, the professionals at Wisdom Dental Emergency can also discuss options for replacing the extracted tooth ( eg. Dental Implants ).


Radiographic or X-ray examinations provide your dentist with an important diagnostic tool that shows the condition of your teeth, their roots, jaw placement and the overall composition of your facial bones.

X-Rays can help your dentist determine the presence or degree of periodontal disease, abscesses and many abnormal growths, such as cysts and tumours. X-rays can also show the exact location of impacted teeth. They can pinpoint the location of cavities and other signs of disease that may not be possible to detect through visual examination (such as changes in the jaw bone structure as a result of systemic disease).

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Pericoronitis and Wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth and Pericoronitis are some of the major causes of dental emergency. The wisdom tooth or all the wisdom teeth do not always emerge (erupt) into the mouth properly due to lack of space. Part of the wisdom tooth remains covered by the gum and food and bacteria can get trapped underneath causing wisdom teeth infection. This usually happens with lower wisdom teeth. You cannot treat wisdom teeth pericoronitis at home. Do not use warm compressors on your face! If you recognize these wisdom teeth symptoms get treatment right away. These wisdom teeth symptoms may include:

  • Bad breath
  • Pain
  • Swelling in the area

Pericoronitis can be very tricky to treat because of the overlying flap of tissue, and will not go away until the wisdom teeth fully emerges naturally, or is remove by a dental surgeon or an oral surgeon.

The problem can be aggravated by the upper wisdom teeth, which may also need to be removed.

Wisdom teeth removal usually require a more surgical technique and specific dental tools and often general dentists can only prescribe antibiotics and write a referral to an oral maxillo facial surgeon for a first consultation.

Wisdom Dental Emergency is proud to offer affordable oral surgery and tooth extraction to all patients with none or reduced waiting time or list in Melbourne dental clinics. There is no need for a referral form from a previous dentist and a large amount of dental emergency issues are solved during the patients s first visit. This can prevent or minimize the use or need for antibiotics and strong analgesics and also decrease significantly the wisdom teeth removal cost or tooth extraction cost in Melbourne.

Broken Tooth Dental Emergency

If you have a broken or fractured tooth you may or may not be experiencing discomfort.  You  may only be experiencing an abrasion or cut on your tongue.

Dental Emergency Professional attention is required as soon as possible.  The internal and delicate areas of the tooth, may now be exposed to the bacteria in the mouth. Left unprotected this could lead to new or increased decay, and ultimately loss of tooth or root canal therapy.

Time is of the essence. 

Lost Filling or Broken Tooth Dental Emergency

When a filling is lost or a tooth is broken with decay present, you might feel a void or a “hole”.

The tooth may be highly sensitive to changes in temperature.

An unattended void or “hole” in a tooth could lead to more extensive damage to the tooth.

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Bitten Tongue or Lip Dental Emergency

If you have bitten your tongue or lip, gently wipe the area clean with a cloth. Apply a cold compress to the area to minimize any swelling. If the bleeding will not stop, you should go to the emergency room of a nearby hospital.

Something Caught Between Your Teeth

Gently insert a piece of dental floss or a dental flosser. Be very careful not to cut the gum tissue. If you are unable to remove the object, contact your Emergency Dentist. Never use a sharp object to try and remove something that is stuck in between your teeth. 

Bleeding Gums

Do your gums bleed when brushing, flossing, or even with the gentlest of touches?

Do your gums bleed when you smile?

Readily bleeding gums is usually a symptom indicative of a stage of gum disease known as periodontitis or gingivitis. 

Periodontitis and gingivitis are diseases and should be taken seriously.  They perhaps contribute to loss of teeth more than any other factor.  There are no quick fixes. 

Consistent, repeated periodontal treatment and relentless home care is the only remedy for treating periodontis and gingivits.

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Consult with a Emergency Dentist

If a tooth is knocked out, hold the tooth by the crown and rinse the root in water if it's dirty. Do NOT scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. If you can, gently place the tooth back in its socket or store it in a cup of milk and head for the dentist (with the tooth) immediately.

If you break a tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water to keep the area clean and apply cold compresses on your face to reduce swelling. Go to the emergency dentist immediately.

Treat a bitten tongue or lip by cleaning gently with a cloth and applying cold compresses to reduce swelling. If bleeding is heavy or doesn't stop after a short time, seek immediate treatment from a hospital emergency room.

The key to successfully reattaching a tooth is to get it reimplanted in the socket as soon as possible. With each minute that passes, more of the cells on the root of the tooth die. If possible, rinse the tooth with water only, then reimplant the tooth at the site and hurry to a dentist as quickly as possible. The tooth should be picked up by the crown only and must not be allowed to dry. The best chance for success is reimplantation within the first 30 minutes, with chances still good for up to two hours. It may be necessary for your dentist to do a Root canal treatment one to two weeks after the tooth has been stabilized.

Permanently lost teeth, whether they've been removed by a dentist or accidentally knocked out, should be replaced. This is to avoid problems such as difficulty chewing and speaking, a shifting of position among remaining teeth, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders caused by chewing on the side with more teeth, and a weakening of the jawbone. Options for replacing lost teeth include bridges, dentures and implants. 

Teeth are remarkably strong, but they can chip, crack (fracture) or break. This can happen in several ways:
  • Biting down on something hard
  • Being hit in the face or mouth
  • Falling
  • Having cavities that weaken the tooth

When a tooth chips or breaks, it may not hurt. However, your tongue usually feels the sharp area quite quickly. Minor tooth fractures usually don't cause pain, but if a large piece of the tooth breaks off, it can hurt. That's because the nerve inside the tooth may be damaged. If it is exposed to air, or hot or cold foods or drinks, it can be extremely uncomfortable.

Pain from a broken or cracked tooth may be constant or may come and go. Many people feel pain when they chew because chewing puts pressure on the tooth.

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What You Can Do?

Cracked (Fractured) Teeth Dental Emergency

There is no way to treat a cracked tooth at home. You need to see your dentist. Sometimes the tooth looks fine, but it hurts only when you eat or when the temperature in your mouth changes (because you drank something hot or cold, for example). If your tooth hurts all the time, it may have a damaged nerve or blood vessels. This is a serious warning sign.

Broken Teeth Dental Emergency

If you have a broken tooth, see your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist can figure out if the break was caused by cavities, and if the tooth's nerve is in danger. A damaged nerve usually will require root canal treatment.

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What Your Dentist Will Do?

Fractured Teeth Dental Emergency

There are several types of tooth fractures and breaks, each of which requires different treatments. These include:

Minor cracks — Also called "craze lines," these are surface cracks that affect only the outer white surface of the tooth, called the enamel. Minor cracks rarely need treatment. However, your dentist may lightly polish the area to smooth out any rough spots.

Cracked tooth — This type of fracture involves the whole tooth, from the chewing surface all the way down to the nerve. The pieces remain in place, but the crack gradually spreads. Cracks can sometimes be repaired with filling material. The tooth often will need a crown to prevent the crack from getting worse. If the pulp (nerve and other live tissues) is damaged, you may need a root canal as well.

Chips — Minor chips don't always need treatment. Your dentist may suggest repairing the damage with filling material to prevent it from getting worse or to make the tooth look and feel better. If the chip is very small, the dentist may polish and smooth out the chipped area.

Broken cusp — These breaks affect the pointed chewing surfaces (the cusps) of the teeth. They usually do not affect the pulp and are unlikely to cause much pain. Your dentist may repair the damage to restore the tooth's shape. Frequently, however, an onlay or crown will be required.

Serious breaks — These breaks go deep enough to expose the nerve. They almost always cause the tooth to hurt and be sensitive. Usually, the broken part of the tooth will bleed. You will need root canal treatment to remove the exposed nerve and probably a crown to restore the tooth to normal function so you can eat and chew properly. 

Split tooth — This means that the tooth has split vertically into two separate parts. Some teeth, such as your back teeth (molars), have more than one root. It may be possible to keep one of the roots, which will then be covered with a crown. First, you will need root canal treatment. Second, the dentist will remove any roots that cannot be kept. Third, you will need a crown to cover the root and replace the tooth. In some cases, when a root cannot be saved, the tooth will have to be removed.

Vertical breaks or split root — These cracks start in the root of the tooth and extend upward toward the chewing surface. These breaks are often painful because the area around the root may be inflamed or infected. In most cases, the tooth will have to be removed. 

Decay-induced break — In this case, the tooth has broken or crumbled because a cavity weakened it from the inside out. Your dentist will evaluate the cavity and recommend the best way to restore the tooth. In some cases, if the decay is extensive and goes down to the bone,the tooth may have to be removed. 

Fillings are materials used to fill cavities in the teeth. Crowns cover the tops of damaged teeth. Sometimes, fillings or crowns fall out. In some cases, a filling or crown may come loose because there is decay underneath it. The decay destroys part of the tooth, so it no longer has a tight hold on the crown or filling

Don't wait too long. What is left of the tooth will not be as strong as your crown. It could be damaged more without the crown to protect it. Also, when a crown is missing for a long time, your teeth may move into the space where the crown was. If this happens, your crown may no longer fit.

Decay may change the shape of your tooth. Usually, this means that your emergency dentist will need to prepare the tooth again to ensure the new crown will fit. If the crown does not fit securely, it will come off again.

If you lose a filling, your emergency dentist will remove the decay and place a new filling.

A tooth abscess is a collection of pus that's caused by a bacterial infection in the root of a tooth or in the gum tissue surrounding the tooth. The primary symptom of a tooth abscess is a severe, persistent, throbbing toothache. Initially, the tooth may be sensitive to heat and the pressure of chewing or biting. Later, you may develop a fever, swelling in your face or cheek, and tender, swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck. If the abscess ruptures, you'll have a sudden rush of foul-smelling and foul-tasting fluid in your mouth.

A tooth abscess won't go away without treatment. If the abscess ruptures, the pain may decrease significantly — but dental treatment is still needed. If the abscess doesn't drain, the infection may spread to other areas of your head and neck. It may even become life-threatening.

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To treat a tooth abscess, the dentist will likely drain the abscess and prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection. While the area is healing, the dentist may recommend rinsing your mouth with warm salt water and taking over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. In some cases, a root canal may be necessary. In other cases, the affected tooth must be pulled.

Dry Socket

Dry socket is the most common complication of an extraction. It develops in about 5% of tooth extractions. It is very painful condition that is easily treated by a dentist.

Any socket in which a patient is having pain due to the loss of the blood clot thus exposing the bone to air, food, and fluids along with an offensive odor.  This often occurs two or more days after an extraction and can last about 5-6 days.  It is normal to have soreness and discomfort following an extraction.

However, pain should be lessening by the second day.

The dry socket condition exist when a blood clot is dislodged from the surgery site thus exposing the bone and fine nerve endings. The blood clot helps in the stopping of bleeding and lays the foundation or framework for new tissue and bone to develop over a two-month healing process.  Dry Socket is more common in the mandibular area and in back teeth due to poorer circulation in this area, with wisdom teeth being the most common site.  Dry socket delays the healing process.

It usually takes gum tissue about 3-4 weeks to heal where as the bone can take up to six months to heal.

TREATMENT of dry socket at Dental Emergency Clinics

Patients usually notice pain relief in about 5-10 minutes after the dressing is applied.

We have experienced fewer cases of dry socket since every patient is asked to rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash and each patient is instructed on how to care for their extraction site through education, verbal instruction and home care instruction hand outs.

Wisdom Dental Emergency dentists have many options for dealing with dental emergencies. There are advances in pain management and ways to restore teeth. Teeth can be repaired with synthetic materials that are strong and look as good as your natural teeth. Your emergency dentist has the training and skills to identify what the problem is and how serious it is. He or she almost always can reduce or get rid of your pain within a few minutes.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before Proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriate qualified health practitioner.

If the only solution for your Dental Emergency is Tooth Extraction there are options for replacement and the Emergency dentist can guide you thru it. Wisdom Dental Emergency also provides Dental Implant Dentistry. You can find more information on Dental Implants Cost and treatment by clicking HERE


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