Melbourne & Sydney
Call 1300 217 858
Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne

Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne - Why Choose us ?

Dr Paulo Pinho
  • Dr Pinho is a registered Australian dental surgeon
  • Dr Pinho is a member of the Australian Dental Association
  • Over 20,000 Wisdom Teeth Removed in the past 15 years
  • Impeccable Safety Record
  • Local & General Anaesthesia
  • Dental Sedation
  • No Hidden Costs

Complications and risks are likely in even the most minor dental surgeries and procedures. Simple procedures like a wisdom tooth extraction can cause complications for the patient.

A wisdom tooth extraction is required when the wisdom teeth become impacted. Today there are many surgeons specialising in wisdom tooth extraction and offering cheap wisdom teeth removal. Hence, most people undergo a wisdom tooth extraction immediately after their dental surgeon advises them. However, while cheap wisdom teeth removal and simple wisdom tooth extractions are now common, there are also chances of patients developing complications after the procedure.

Infections are a common risk and complication after a wisdom tooth extraction. The hole where the wisdom tooth was extracted can easily become infected. There are several reasons why one is likely to be at risk of developing an infection after a wisdom tooth extraction.

There are various ways to find out if you are at risk of developing an infection post a wisdom tooth extraction.

1. Pain: While pain is common after even the most simple and cheap wisdom teeth removal surgery, if it continues to increase after two days of the surgery there is a high chance that the area is infected.

2. Fever: Many patients experience high fever post a wisdom tooth extraction surgery. If the patient experiences very high fever he is at the highest risk or has already developed an infection in the surgical site. Some patients will even feel chills.

3. Swelling: If the patient notices a swelling at the site of the wisdom tooth extraction there is a high risk that the site has become infected.

4. Taste: In case you have bad taste in your mouth there could be a chance that you have developed an infection. Infections are known to cause a bad taste in the mouth.

5. Severe discharge: If there is severe discharge form the extraction site it is a guarantee that the area has become infected. In such high-risk scenario the patient has to visit a dental surgeon right away for treatment.

So, while a simple and cheap wisdom teeth removal surgery is common, there are many risks involved. The highest risk is that of developing an infection post the wisdom tooth extraction. Thus, it is important to consult your dentist and oral surgeon about the best possible post-op care to avoid developing any complications post surgery.

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