If you are encountering problems with your wisdom teeth, then you are not alone. Wisdom teeth pain and associated dental complications are extremely common. In fact, if you don’t experience a wisdom teeth emergency then you are in the minority of the world’s population!
So to ease your worry and concerns, here are some basic facts about wisdom teeth and wisdom teeth removal that you may or may not have known:
- Wisdom teeth derive its name as a result of when they first appear. Most teeth (first and second molars) have developed in childhood but these wisdom teeth (third molars) grow later in life, around 17-18 years old or the “age of wisdom” as it is also known. Hence why they are known as “wisdom teeth”.
- More than half of the world’s population develops wisdom teeth – to be more precise, approximately 65% of the population. The rest of the population are fortunate enough to never develop wisdom teeth, not even one particularly those people from certain cultures, such as those from South East Asia.
- You don’t need to suffer through the pain of wisdom teeth removal. If you are anxious about the procedure and fear the pain, you can opt for an oral surgeon that performs sleep dentistry. This form of wisdom teeth removal involves putting you to sleep through anaesthesia and sedation so that you have no recollection of the procedure.
- Although only 2-5% of wisdom teeth extraction patients are affected, women are more likely to get “dry socket”. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot that usually forms in the empty socket (where the tooth has been pulled) dislodges or dissolves. This leaves the bone and nerve exposed to food particles and fluid and can lead to infection and severe pain. Women have a higher chance due to due to their high estrogen levels and use of birth control pills.
- Wisdom teeth extraction typically takes 1 -2 hours however the recovery process can take anywhere from 2 - 5 days.
If you would like to book an appointment with an affordable oral surgeon who will provide thorough consultation and discuss any concerns you may have, contact The Wisdom Teeth Professional on 1800 WIS DOM.