Wisdom tooth extraction is a very common procedure that most people have undergone. While a very common procedure, wisdom tooth extraction is known to lead to complications as well.
One of the most common complications post a wisdom tooth extraction is swelling. The healing process after a wisdom tooth extraction does not start before 48 to 72 hours after the extraction procedure. Swelling of gums is a common concern post the wisdom tooth extraction. Usually the dental surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and painkiller that will help the swelling subside.
Besides the medication prescribed by the dentist, the following tips will help the swelling subside:
Minimal Activity: Do not stress the gums at all. The gums become extremely soft and vulnerable when they are swollen. Avoid eating and chewing anything hard from this area.
Minimal Pressure: Do not put any pressure on the gums. Restrict your food to only liquids for a few days. This will give the swelling time to heal and subside.
Ice: Ice is one of the best solutions to cure a swelling after a wisdom tooth extraction. Simply take a few cubes of ice in a napkin and hold it slowly over the affected area for a few minutes.
Chilled Liquids: You should take only chilled liquids after a wisdom tooth extraction. It is advisable to drink them from a straw, this way the chewing is also kept at bay. After a wisdom tooth extraction, your dentist will most likely suggest you to have ice cream or chilled water to numb the pain as well as reduce the swelling. The chilled liquids cause the blood vessels to shrink and the nerve endings to stop the bleeding; thereby reducing the swelling.
Medicated Gauze: Keeping medicated gauze in between the gums and then pressing on to it with pressure for some time is known to bring down the swelling. This is one of the best ways to reduce a swelling after a wisdom tooth extraction.
While there are many ways to reduce a swelling, it is also important to not to fall for cheap wisdom teeth removal options and complicate the condition even more. It is always advisable to follow what the dental surgeon or expert recommends. Do not opt for cheap wisdom teeth removal procedures at an unqualified surgeon as this may result in more than just swelling. Most people try to save on money by opting for cheap wisdom teeth removal but they end up paying a heavier price when something goes wrong.
So, always listen and follow the advice of your dental surgeon or dentist.